9 Questions for Leaders

By Amyk Hutchens People often say they just need the better answer to move ahead of their competitors in business. We believe you need the better question. Why? The brain triggers on questions, and when you ask your brain a really great question, only then do you get the really great answer. There are 9 […]

Upside, Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead

By Kenneth W. Gronbach I went to school at California State University at Long Beach. With 35,000 students, it was a great place to remain anonymous. Ironically, I was recruited out of the graduate program by Volkswagen of America, Inc. This was my first real taste of marketing and the automobile business. I loved it, […]

Designing Your Business for the 21st Century

How companies will succeed in the algorithmic era The 2018 MHEDA Convention Keynote Speaker, Mike Walsh, designs companies for the 21st century. Companies built to survive the future are no accident. They are a result of deliberate business design decisions smart leaders make today. In his ongoing research on the world’s most innovative companies, Walsh […]

Women in Industry: Jennifer Dickson

COMPANY: Springer Equipment Company YEARS ON JOB: 7 Years At Springer Equipment, we are a very large, small business. We have a lot going on but we’re still a small company, so most of us wear multiple hats. And that’s something that I definitely do. I primarily work with Human Resources, keeping my finger on […]

‘@ WORK: Doug Hutchins